How to Write Emails That Get Opened

By William Oct 30, 2023

In today’s digital world, our inboxes are constantly bombarded with emails. It can be difficult to get your emails noticed, let alone opened. But don’t worry; there are a few simple things you can do to increase the chances of your emails being opened. This blog post will give you tips on how to write emails that get opened.

How to Write Emails That Get Opened

Write clear and concise subject lines

The subject line is the gateway to your email, and creating a captivating one is essential for grabbing the recipient’s attention. Think of it as the cover of a book; if it’s not intriguing, the rest of your content might never get seen. A compelling subject line can be the deciding factor for the fate of your email.

Start by keeping it concise. Busy inboxes require brevity. But don’t sacrifice clarity for brevity; a vague subject line can easily be overlooked. Utilize the active voice, use keywords relevant to your content, and consider personalization if appropriate. Questions and a touch of curiosity can pique the reader’s interest. In a professional setting, it’s often best to avoid excessive exclamation points or capital letters, as they might trigger spam filters.

Personalize your emails

People are more likely to open emails that are personalized to them. Take the time to personalize your emails by using the recipient’s name and addressing their specific needs and interests. You can also use personalization to segment your email list and send targeted emails to different groups of subscribers.

Craft a Perfect Email Signature

A well-structured email signature is like a virtual business card. Include your full name, title, company, and contact information. Adding a professional sign-off, such as “Best regards” or “Sincerely,” offers a polished touch to your emails.

Additionally, you can insert hyperlinks to your social profiles or website. This subtly promotes your online presence and makes it easy for your recipients to connect with you.

Write engaging content

Avoid using jargon and technical terms that your recipient may not understand. Instead, write in a clear and concise style and use simple language. You should also break up your text with short paragraphs and headings to make it easier to read.

Make it easy to unsubscribe

It’s important to give your recipients the option to unsubscribe from your email list at any time. This will help you maintain a clean list of engaged subscribers. You can add an unsubscribe link to the footer of all of your emails.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Despite your best efforts, there are a few pitfalls to avoid. Overusing capitalization and symbols in your subject lines can trigger spam filters. Be cautious of spammy words and phrases, and avoid misleading or clickbait subject lines. Honesty and clarity should always be at the forefront of your emails.

The Art of the Call to Action (CTA)

Every email should have a purpose, whether it’s to schedule a meeting, request feedback, or make a sale. Your call to action (CTA) is the part where you guide the reader on what to do next. Be specific and clear in your CTA. If you want them to respond, say, “Please let me know your thoughts by replying to this email.” If you want them to visit a webpage, provide a direct link.

Utilize strong action verbs in your CTA to motivate the reader. The active voice in your CTA adds immediacy and emphasizes the action you want them to take.

Test and track your results

The journey to crafting the perfect email doesn’t stop with a single send. A/B testing is a valuable tool for understanding what works best with your audience. By measuring open rates, click-through rates, and response rates, you can continuously refine your approach. Analyze the data and adapt your content accordingly. By experimenting with various subject lines, CTAs, or content formats, you can uncover the formula that resonates most with your readers.


By following these tips, you can write emails that are more likely to be opened and read. Remember to write clear and concise subject lines, personalize your emails, write engaging content, and make it easy to unsubscribe.

By William

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